Here is a general timeline for the Spring 2024 season:

November 1- Registration opens

January 25 - Registration closes

January 27 - Assessments (for kids 8 and older, or 7-year-olds if they want to assess for the possibility of a Single A team)

January 29 - Makeup Assessments

February 2nd - Everyone will have been notified about their team assignments by this date

February 4 - Practices begin

February 10 - Field Work Day

March 16-23 - Spring Break (some teams may practice, so may not)

March 24 - Picture Day and Hit-a-thon

April 6 - Opening Day

April 7 - All Star Try Outs

April 21 (tentative) - All Star Parent Meeting

Early May - Awards Picnic

May 13 - Playoffs begin

May 27 - All-Star practices begin

June 1 - Fall Ball registration opens if we are having Fall Ball

November 1 - Registration opens for Spring 2025