• Coach-pitch option based on each player
  • Use of a Tee after missing 5 coach pitches (then 3 tee swings)
  • 45 foot bases
  • All players bat and play the field each inning
  • Required rotation of players every inning
  • Base stealing is prohibited
  • No standings or playoffs
  • Manager can request a total of five players for their team

  • If player is 6-years-old, they need to have completed a minimum of one year of Peewee
  • Machine pitch at 35 mph
  • All players bat 
  • 10 defensive players on the field (4 outfielders)
  • Minimum play: 4 defensive innings in a six (6) inning game, 3 defensive innings in a five (5) inning game, 2 defensive innings in a four (4) inning game
  • No draft (random drawing)
  • Manager can request a total of five players for their team


  • All games are player pitch
  • Pitching maximum of 2 innings per game for a total maximum of 4 innings per week
  • All players will bat
  • Nine (9) defensive players are utilized
  • Minimum play: 4 defensive innings in a six (6) inning game, 3 defensive innings in a five (5) inning game, 2 defensive innings in a four (4) inning game
  • Skill assessments are required for this division
  • Players are subject to a draft
  • The Infield Fly rule is in effect


  • All games are player pitch
  • All ages may pitch
  • Pitchers may pitch a maximum of 4 innings per game
  • All players bat
  • Nine (9) defensive players are utilized
  • Minimum play: 4 defensive innings in a six (6) inning game, 3 defensive innings in a five (5) inning game, 2 defensive innings in a four (4) inning game
  • Skill assessments are required for this division
  • Players are subject to a draft
  • The infield fly rule is in effect
  • Players may steal in accordance with Cal Ripken Baseball Rules
  • The dropped third strike rule applies in this division
  • No safety base will be used at first base

 MINORS 70': Ages 10-12

  • All games are player pitch
  • Players may pitch a maximum of six (6) innings in a week
  • All players bat
  • Nine (9) defensive players are utilized
  • Minimum play: 4 defensive innings in a six (6) inning game, 3 defensive innings in a five (5) inning game, 2 defensive innings in a four (4) inning game
  • Skill assessments are required for this division
  • Players are subject to a draft
  • Bases are 70 feet apart
  • The pitchers plate is set at 50 feet
  • Lead-offs and pick-offs are permitted

 MAJORS 70': AGES 11-12

  • All games are player pitch
  • Players may pitch a maximum of six (6) innings in a week
  • All players bat
  • Nine (9) defensive players are utilized
  • Minimum play: 4 defensive innings in a six (6) inning game, 3 defensive innings in a five (5) inning game, 2 defensive innings in a four (4) inning game
  • Skill assessments are required for this division
  • Players are subject to a draft
  • Bases are 70 feet apart
  • The pitchers plate is set at 50 feet
  • Lead-offs and pick-offs are permitted